Interview with Emily Ramos

Interviewed by Joel Pazmiño via email

What was writing this piece like for you?

Writing “Otra Vida” was unexpected. The first time I read the prompt in my creative writing class, I had a completely different idea. However, when I started writing, everything began to flow. When I was little, I never understood how poor my family was, partially because I made up scenarios to combat the harsh reality, but also my mom protected my siblings and I so well. This particular moment in my childhood was glass shattering. The fictional world I craved, and reality clashed, and I saw my mother for the first time as a hardworking woman. This story became a reflection of that.

After learning about vampires and how they relate to your mom, did anything else change in the way you look at the world?

I still have trouble trying to stop my daydreams from overtaking reality haha, but I’m able to find escapism when I really need it. Likewise, I am able to find my grounding during tough moments. I like to believe everyone at some point during the day wishes they were in a fictional story.

How did you choose which Spanish words to say so the translation wouldn’t get lost?

The Spanish in my story came as natural as I would either hear it or speak it. My mother doesn’t know a lot of English and she speaks to me in only Spanish, so it would be wrong to have her speak English, even in a story.

When I was reading “Otra Vida,” I noticed how your sentences have a rhythm. They go long for one sentence, then the rest is broken is short/medium sentences, then a long one again. Is that intentional? Is there anything to that? 

Haha, I didn’t even notice myself doing that! There was no meaning behind it. Perhaps it’s just how my mind works, it’s also similar to the way I speak. (I enjoy this question, by the way).

What do you want to write next?

I have several ideas in mind. Currently, I am obsessed with writing about a Latino punk-rock band that has to face immigration, losses, the double standards of social media, and overall finding a place in mainstream American music. Most, if not all, of my stories are centered about the Latino community. I hope that answers everything! Thank you so much for your questions and taking an interest in my work.

Click here to read Emily’s essay “Otra Vida.

Emily Ramos is an aspiring Latina writer and hopes to work in the publishing industry to bring more Latina voices into the world to further uplift her community. She is currently pursuing her Associate Degree in Creative Writing and commits to getting a Bachelor’s Degree in the same field.