My Friend, the Mirage 

Sparkly abstract image of lights in motion

By Jocelyn Carrasco

After it destroys you, saturate and add higher resolution to each scene 

Inventing a new montage to better fit the frame of the reality you designed

Taking a horror story and giving the reader’s digest

Push your eyes and push a grin, the show must go on

If you can convince everyone, you can convince yourself

Most people take a flawed human being, decapitate and vandalize their head, 

Turn them into a distorted tribute and auction them off to display

Retelling a new narrative to everyone to make themselves feel like a saint  

A monster makes a more appealing flick to the world than a tale of another anti-hero 

You can rewind every scene, analyze the pieces, and try to find out where it all went down  before the iceberg hit

Runaway during the day, sleep with your journal and pen at night and wake up with new lines in your head 

You’re idealism shrieks in another timeline, another universe, things would work out

The failures and painful moments can exist without it having to be the blurb of your book

You can use the invisible wounds as an excuse to quit life

Or you can take another chance, welcoming failure and triumph 

Venture out longer and you’ll find people who let you be you

The pain vanishes but time is a no-refund policy

Next time you mutter this life has no meaning 

Remember everywhere you look there is a

a point to articulate 

a project to collaborate

a bureau to estimate

a disease to eradicate 

an argument to mediate

a monument to appreciate 

a student to motivate 

a task to designate

an audience to captivate 

a destiny to fabricate

Jocelyn Carrasco is a psych student, peer mentor and current staff writer at The Bridge. When she’s not envisioning fake scenarios in her head, or playing too much Zelda, she likes to sharpen her wit, to prepare for whatever situation she finds herself in.

Photograph: “Allucinazioni Veneziane / Venetian Hallucinations” by is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.