Category: Special Features 2021

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This Story Has a Ghost In It

by Earthnova  Veronica was in a spacious office. The well-polished furniture and loosely packed bookcase resembled a minimalist but not modern aesthetic, and the large windows had a view of the gridlocked traffic below that […]

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by Stella Gleitsman I thought a towel in my room was a man today I thought a clothing rack was a man when I went out shopping I thought there was a man behind the […]

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October Silhouette

by Amir Bouanane she bought two bottles of raindrops— matched the evening with a light. drowning rituals, exhales for past -time; in every game—an outcome. the memory vendor omits this part— it doesn’t undo the […]

Some Questions for Louis Febres

Editorial Intern Brenda Lema had some questions for Louis Febres. What inspired you to write “Something Lost”? Languages have always fascinated me: their origins, evolution, and especially the idea of a language and culture being supplanted […]

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Some Questions for Alicia Evans

Editorial Intern Brenda Lema had three questions for Alicia Evans. What inspired you to write “Whatever Will Be,  Will Be”? The inspiration for “Whatever Will Be, Will Be” came from my own life experience. I […]


by Brianna Jo Hobson Apron string, tied and undone like an umbilical cord Stitching needle loops through hypodermic buttonhole I cinch every waist that dears to breathe, Every pupil that tears to cry or prickle […]

It’s a COVID Party

by Shoshanna Soleyn Watch Editorial Intern Jin Martin’s Interview with Shoshanna Soleyn   Shoshanna Soleyn was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, in Crown Heights. She is a Commercial Photography major at LaGuardia Community College. […]