Category: 2021 Edition

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Buzzing Bees

by Elaine Medina Busy worker bees clamored along. Shoppers buzzing around, honing in on flowers and selecting the ones they’d be choosing. The sweet old lady with her grandson, buying him a lollipop that his […]

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This Story Has a Ghost In It

by Earthnova  Veronica was in a spacious office. The well-polished furniture and loosely packed bookcase resembled a minimalist but not modern aesthetic, and the large windows had a view of the gridlocked traffic below that […]

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Whatever Will Be, Will Be

by Alicia Evans  Sharon contemplated calling the whole thing off so many times before. She finally accepted her fate, as she let out a quiet sigh. Sharon ran both hands down the front and sides […]

Texas Flood

by John Puga John Puga is a Brooklyn-based artist who has been studying photography, art, and design for over 18-years. He came to New York City from San Antonio, Texas, to study photography at LaGuardia […]


by Irving Rodriquez Irving Rodriguez is a traditional artist born in the Dominican Republic. His feelings of being Dominican are expressed through art, using complementary colors to represent his personas and he attempts to use […]

Smiles in February

by Jeremy Orozco Jeremy Orozco (b. 1995) is a photographer from New York City. In 2021, he is currently studying to receive his degree in Commercial Photography. He is passionate about Photojournalism as well as […]

Madonna and the Magazine

by Destiny Rosales   Destiny Rosales is a 19 year-old Brooklyn-bound Creative Writing major with interests in Visual Art, Theater, and Film. She hopes to become a professional screenwriter or an author/illustrator.

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by Stella Gleitsman I thought a towel in my room was a man today I thought a clothing rack was a man when I went out shopping I thought there was a man behind the […]

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Ode to the Sun

by Stella Gleitsman We think we are big men But the only big man is the sun The sun is the biggest crone in the galaxy And we owe her our life She is stretched […]

rancour, black

by Amir Bouanane the gathering of ether, the dancer in the morgue and the crow perched awaiting the toll of 6 p.m. then it bites the night, this gavel that fares better for its midday patrons, […]

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October Silhouette

by Amir Bouanane she bought two bottles of raindrops— matched the evening with a light. drowning rituals, exhales for past -time; in every game—an outcome. the memory vendor omits this part— it doesn’t undo the […]

The Life of an Orange

by Senhui Zhao Senhui Zhao is a student at LaGuardia College who likes animation and painting. He was inspired by the observation of daily life, showing the life of oranges through stop-motion animation.


by Iris Triunfel Flores My mind is a thief at the bank of comfort; drop of water lands on tissue disease makes the body ache hug lasts too long ball bounces far out my grasp […]

Some Questions for Louis Febres

Editorial Intern Brenda Lema had some questions for Louis Febres. What inspired you to write “Something Lost”? Languages have always fascinated me: their origins, evolution, and especially the idea of a language and culture being supplanted […]

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Into This World

by Madelyn Romero-Melgar I’ve always known my mother was born in El Salvador, but for a long time I didn’t know what being an immigrant meant. For us, it meant instability and uncertainty. It meant […]

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I Can Carry It All

by Ethan Velez “I always hate when movies do that. It feels like, oh, I don’t know.” Tabs spoke with her hands. It was hard to keep them by her side. “It’s always like, the […]

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Some Questions for Alicia Evans

Editorial Intern Brenda Lema had three questions for Alicia Evans. What inspired you to write “Whatever Will Be,  Will Be”? The inspiration for “Whatever Will Be, Will Be” came from my own life experience. I […]

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Tears of a Clown

by Brianna Jo Hobson Eyelash curl, the insect lipstick is wet. Heartstrings cut, the eyeshadow castrate. My smile, a deep segmented crack—foundation coils to jack in the box my neck. No matter how much I […]


by Brianna Jo Hobson Apron string, tied and undone like an umbilical cord Stitching needle loops through hypodermic buttonhole I cinch every waist that dears to breathe, Every pupil that tears to cry or prickle […]

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Something Lost

by Louis Febres It started out small. Borrowing from brothers, sisters, cousins, and neighbors, until it grew strong enough to stand on its own. We took it from our tiny village as we braved nearby […]

It’s a COVID Party

by Shoshanna Soleyn Watch Editorial Intern Jin Martin’s Interview with Shoshanna Soleyn   Shoshanna Soleyn was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, in Crown Heights. She is a Commercial Photography major at LaGuardia Community College. […]