Category: La Casa LGBTQIA Contest Winners 2023

Some Questions for Alexandra Rivera

What inspired you to write “A Promise Goes Both Ways”? I wrote “A Promise Goes Both Ways” for my introduction to creative writing course after being prompted to create a flash fiction piece. “A Promise […]

Some Questions for Victoria Segarra

What inspired you to write “Ode to a Strange Planet”? I actually wrote “Ode To A Strange Planet” as an assignment for a creative writing course I took last year at LaGuardia. We had to […]

Some Questions for Kaylin Rivera

What inspired you to write “Era Death”? “Era Death” was something that I randomly thought of. We’ve seen the idea of writing letters to your child self and letting them know you’ve succeeded or are […]

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Era Death

to all the versions of myself that I’ve killed by Kaylin Rivera [CW // sexual assault] Circa 15, 16. Kaylin, Pressured by your so-called friends around you to give away the one thing that you […]

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Stand-in image

A Promise Goes Both Ways

by Alexandra Rivera “Hey, bean…? If I ever become one of those things, I want you to put a bullet in my head.” I was still maintaining my faith in societal restoration and keeping track […]


by Jasmine Chan Jasmine is a Malaysian-Chinese Queens-based illustrator and concept artist who just graduated from SVA with a BFA in Illustration. She designs and draws characters and environments for video games and animations. You […]

I Don’t Believe in Subtlety

by Josseline Cruz Garcia Josseline Cruz Garcia is an artist based in NYC. As a queer, latinx woman with depression & PTSD she faced many difficulties in her life that she learned to overcome through […]

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Ode to a Strange Planet

by Victoria Segarra Rolling hills of skin Comfortable, cushiony ground The strong and capable plains Of my back Blue rivers of veins, Their waters warm and comforting Beyond the peaks and dips Of my abdomen […]