Remembering When

Image of cityscape seen through a window with raindrops on it.

by Melony Hodge 

Home. It’s still there.
Even after all the other addresses
878, where it all began.

I remember When
Holiday traditions bled into growing up
When love and magic kept us fed
Cookouts, cream of wheat, pancakes
Thanksgiving turkeys, Christmas hams.
All made by grandparents’ hands.

Holding those hands
though our neighborhood blocks,
On our way to
P.S 16,
Yogi Bear Stops.

When summer gathering turned into
Night time hang outs, lit by street lights
Grownups sitting on the stoop,
Watching us play.
These nights felt endless,
The air smelled like togetherness.

When long hallways led to bubble baths,
And night lights lit the way to family time,
Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune.
A window chair for Grandpa,
Wearing his signature hat and scarf.
And bedtime was ushered in with the sound
Of Grandma’s slippers down the hall.

When Christmas felt like magic,
With Our tall tree surrounded by gifts.
Excited to see which ones are for me,
New bike, Giga pets, tea party sets,
Casio keyboard and new clothes.

The record player spun
Unforgettable by Nate king Cole,
While my grandparents danced away,
Until I joined in standing on
Grandpa’s toes.
The Christmas lights like a warm hug,
My dog Coco asleep on the rug.

When every milestone was celebrated
With cheers.
And school work was taped to the wall
With pride.
When my family was a family,
When my childhood was alive.

I remember before
The sicknesses and the pain.
Before the world broke down our door
And everything became wet with rain.

The moments that shaped me into
Who I would become
The good memories I try to
Recreate for my daughter.

I remember it all.
Good, Bad and in-between.
It all lives inside me.
It’s what makes me,

Melony Hodge is a full time mom and wife. She loves to read, write, and learn. She spends her time working on her writing and teaching her toddler daughter sign lauguage while also preparing her for pre-school. she has a creative soul that is expressed through sewing and other craft hobbies. Family gatherings are her favorite events to attend. she hopes to one day be a published author of poetry and a memoir as well as other genres. she hopes that her writings will one day inspire someone like the many characters and books she has read have inspired her throughout her life.

Images Credit: tux0racer, “IMG_0368,”  Flickr, CC BY 2.0.